A wide range of Additive Manufacturing (AM) technologies have been developed in the recent year to produce complex samples, such as metalmaterials. Various AM methods can be employed depending on the material type. The course is aimed at showing different AM technologies used in the production of metal, ceramic and polymeric metalmaterials moving from the design to the final product.
A novel metal metalmaterial produce by Laser Powder Bed Fusion
Additive Manufacturing technology to produce ceramic metalmaterials (3D printing and sintering)
Additive Manufacturing technology to produce polymeric metalmaterials
Required Skills
Courses of “Foundations of Material Science” and “Additive Manufacturing of Metasurfaces and Metamaterials (Technologies)”
Course Modality and Verification of Learning
The classes will be given onsite. The activity includes laboratory activities.
The exam consists of an oral presentation of the laboratory activities.